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Georgia Goal Scholarship

The GOAL Program is a remarkable and important opportunity provided to Georgians by our elected officials.

Find Out More

In exchange for contributions to Georgia GOAL, our partner Student Scholarship Organization, taxpayers receive a 100% state income tax credit!

This is a proven opportunity that is a win-win-win for taxpayer donors, scholarship recipients, and our school community. By simply contributing to Georgia GOAL for a 100% Georgia income tax credit - in other words, you get to choose where your income tax dollars go, tax you have to pay anyway! You can choose to re-direct this tax money to your school which will help maximize financial aid for deserving families desiring to receive a Westminster education.

Find out more about GOAL and submit your GOAL Tax Credit Application


Kendra Sue Finch, Director of Institutional Advancement
(706) 731-5260, ext. 2331