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School Leadership

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Board of Trustees

Chair Mr. J. Jordan Pierce
Treasurer Jon Dawkins
Secretary Dr. Adam Hoover
Governance Committee Chair Dr. Joshua (Josh) Lane 
Mr. Matthew (Matt) Aitken 
Mr. Christopher (Chris) Booker 
Dr. William (Will) Boyd 
Dr. Lucy Brantley
Mr. Jordan Collier

Dr. Anna Kay Duckworth
Mr. Kelvin Kelly
Dr. William (Will) Lopez 
Dr. Christopher Barrett Jones
Mr. Jerry Rogers
Mr. Chris White

Ex Officio Members
Dr. Shawn Brower Head of School, Westminster Schools of Augusta
Dr. Mike Hearon Sr. Pastor, First Presbyterian Church
Emeritus Members
Mr. David Hanks Retired, Attorney at Law
Mr. Tom Harley

School Leadership Team

Dr. Shawn Brower Head of School
Tricie Johnson Director of Finance
John Petrey Lower School Principal
Tracy Lutz Middle School Principal
Cindy Bramhall Upper School Principal
Kendra Sue Finch Director of Institutional Advancement
Rosie Pope Director of Marketing & Communications
Jill Egan Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management
John Egan Director of Athletics
Steve Epperly Director of HR, Facilities & Operations